Shining Together: Volunteer week 2022
"If Stitch Kitchen was a garment, its dominant threads would be volunteering, community and creativity. Its fabric would be sustainability. The pattern guiding it? A local solution to a global problem."
A big thank you to Angela @volunteersouthnz for lovely Volunteer Spotlight article, and a MASSIVE thank you to all of the past, present and future volunteers who join us in our ongoing journey to create this really special community.
Click image to see the full article:
This week is Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu National Volunteer Week, where we celebrate the incredible, but often unsung, acts of kindness from volunteers who enrich our communities.
“They grow our people, open minds, open hearts and create joy.”
As a volunteer-lead organisation, we know the joy of volunteering as a way to enrich our own lives as well as adding what we have to give to enrich the people and the environment around us.
We were thrilled last year to be nominated, and be awarded the Heritage and Environment Award at the SBS Volunteer Awards. This was a fantastic recognition of how vital all our volunteers are in helping us achieve everything we do as a small organisation.
Here are a few of the stories and insights from our volunteers, about what being part of Stitch Kitchen means to them:
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe!
Thank you to all our increadible volunteers, for giving your time and skills and making everything we do possible.
See the variety of workshops we have, or contact us to talk about how you would like to be involved.
We love your feedback to encourage us in what we’re doing, or help to guide us in how we can improve!
Our volunteers give generously of their time, but we are also grateful for financial donations to help us pay for the ‘un-glamorous stuff’ that make the work possible - like rent!
We can provide tax receipts for charitable deductions on request.