Spotlight on Patterns
Great design is timeless, versatile, inspiring, and found in less than 10 grams of unassuming paper tissue…
For those of us who grew up with a collection of 1970’s and ‘80’s paper patterns in our homes, those mysterious shoe boxes in the cupboard and under the bed represented Pandora's Box - full of the curious promise, but often leading to turmoil.
But paper dress patterns are amazing for what they are, and what they enable you to do!
The Ladies Home Journal June 1925 Pictorial Review Patterns Advertisment. Image source:
Patterns are pretty amazing simply as they are: beautifully illustrated time capsules of great design. Fabulous as a source for social history, fashion history, photography and graphic design history….ideal for collectors or as a teaching resource!
Plus, learning the arts of wrangling pattern tissue and measuring tape; pins and grainlines are worth the time and effort. Patterns make it possible to (relatively) easily create unique garments that fit our lifestyle, personality and figure, from our choice of fabric.
Recently I’ve been inspired by two events:
The Great Brittish Sewing Bee…season EIGHT!
2022 Accademy Awards Red Carpet (Green Dress)
2022 Accademy Awards RCGD Tati Gabrielle. Image source:
I am reminded of the gloriousness of personal style, and my fingers itch to flick through the envelopes to find my own design winner.
At Stitch Kitchen we are well stocked with thousands of incredible patterns ranging from simple ‘one-hour makes’, to complex red-carpet-worthy (or ball, gala, wedding…) tailored designer gowns. From clever things you can make with less than half a metre of fabric, to dramatic ways to maximise the use of a whole bolt.
In these days of ordering online in a minute, and then spending hours resizing, only to have the fabric fall apart after the first wash… returning to the slower ways of home dressmaking is becoming more appealing once again.
Check out these amazing snapshots from our Maker’s Pantry collection:
You can purchase these by visiting in store during our open hours, or by arranging a PERSONAL SHOPPING TOUR in person or online (via video call).
Our prices range from just $2/pattern. (Plus we have the fabrics & notions you need to complete your project)
If you love a pattern but are finding it tricky to interpret the instructions, fit the pattern to your shape, or even choose what fabric to go with it, we’re also here to help.
Check out our FREESTYLE SEWING CLASS (term 2 starting 27th/31 May) or for more complex designs TAILOR MADE (registrations available now for term 3). We also have private lessons available to help you, from overcoming a speed bump, to helping you step by step through to completion. To work out which option is best for you, our free planning session is a great place to start!
Have you joined our brand new Makers’ Membership? Each month, receive an exclusive membership discount code for 50% off a selected department in our Maker’s Pantry.
Annual members benefit from discounts on full product range.
PLUS- Ideal for students or history fans studying fashion history: Members also have access to our very special VINTAGE PATTERN ARCHIVE, featuring very rare and precious patterns from as early as the 1910’s! Patterns can be used in-studio, to take advantage of our fantastic cutting tables and tools to help the patterns stay in good condition for generations to come.
April's special featured Makers’ Pantry item is….Patterns!
Simply tell use the special code that will be emailed to you when you’re making your purchase, and our pattern treasures are your FOR HALF PRICE!
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